
How much is Picture Needed in Blog Posts?

How much is Picture Needed in Blog Posts

How important is Graphic for a wesite

Graphics are very much important for a website.Here I am dealing with some of the use for images on a website.Images plays an essential role on a website.There are many importance of images on a website.
Placing graphic in your website makes your website look attractive and this will increase impression of your website in your visitor's view.A good looking website is always liked by visitors.Graphic not only makes your website look good but there are some other use of graphic too.It helps to increase traffic to your website.Placing a website and giving it a name with alt tags makes it visible in image search and you will get additional traffic to your website.Graphics also helps to give you a good and improved search engine result.Naming graphics according to your title will increase your ranking in google or any other search engines.Alt tags are used to name images and it helps to increase search engine visiblity.so use images as much as possible in website.
For blog users,use at least an image for each blog post and name the image with the alt tag same as the title of your post.This will increase your blog post visibility in search engine ranking.So use an image for each blog post and feel its importance.

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